It may also be noted here that since these networks have a “large” architecture, their training is done on compute-intensive platforms (using GPUs) and the resultant models have a high memory footprint. However, these deep learning models have been made available to users using independent deep learning frameworks such as Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch, among others. This has significantly been facilitated by recent advances in deep learning and the applications of resultant models to tasks in the computer vision domain. Recently, machine learning techniques have completely changed the landscape of image understanding and many applications which were previously not possible have now become the new baseline.
The code and installation procedure for configuring these In addition, GIMP-ML also aims to bring the benefits of usingĭeep learning networks used for computer vision tasks to routine image The objective of demonstrating the use-cases for machine learning based image Have been compiled and demonstrated in the YouTube playlist Python packages such as numpy, scikit-image, pillow, pytorch, open-cv, scipy.Īpart from these, several image manipulation techniques using these plugins Additionally, operations on images such as edgeĭetection and color clustering have also been added. Super-resolution, de-noising and coloring have been incorporated with GIMP Semantic segmentation, mask generative adversarial networks, image Applications from deep learning such as monocular depth estimation, It enables the use of recent advances inĬomputer vision to the conventional image editing pipeline in an open-source This paper introduces GIMP-ML, a set of Python plugins for the widely popular